Help Center
Recommend Media to DCMP

DCMP continually adds new described and captioned educational media to its collection. We're always looking for information about media that is needed for K-12 students who are deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired, or deaf-blind.
Teachers and Other Professionals Working with Students: Tell us what described and captioned media you need for your students. If at all possible, provide the name of each title and its producer. If you are unaware of specific title and producer information, identify general needs for particular subject area and respective grade level(s).
Parents and Family Members: Tell us about described and captioned media you would like to see available for your child or children. Tell us the needs you have as a family and needs you have related to your child's school work. Also tell us if you would like the DCMP information sent to your child or children's school. (Please include the school's name and address with your recommendation.)
K–12 Students: Have a parent, guardian, or teacher send us your recommendations.
Fill out the form below to recommend media to our educational specialist. Or, download and print the media recommendation form to send it by mail or email.