Guidelines and Best Practices for Captioning Educational Video

These guidelines are a key for vendors who perform captioning for the DCMP. The information is also applicable to anyone providing captioning of all types of media at various levels.

Description Key
DCMP also provides guidelines for adding description to educational video in our Description Key.
Captioning Key - About the Key
The first captioning of films in America occurred in 1951, three decades before the advent of closed captioning on broadcast television. It was performed by Captioned Films for the Deaf (CFD), the ancestor of DCMP, which became federally funded in 1958. Guidelines were developed at CFD to assist teams of teachers and deaf persons who wrote capt...Read More
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Captioning Key - Presentation Rate
A reoccurring question about captioning is whether captions should be verbatim or edited. Among the advocates for verbatim are organizations of deaf and hard of hearing persons who do not believe that their right for equal access to information and dialogue is served by any deletion or change of words. Supporters of edited captions include par...Read More
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Captioning Key - Special Considerations
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Captioning Key - Captioning Presentation Rate Research
This appendix is a research document which contains a conglomerate of studies related to both children and adults and how they view, read, and prefer captions. Initially, it seems to be common sense that verbatim captioning is the ideal, the mark of true equal access. However, it may be possible for spoken audio to be delivered so quickly that m...Read More
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Captioning Key - YouTube
Google offers an “auto caption” feature for YouTube uploads by which text-to-speech software attempts to automatically generate captions from a video’s soundtrack. If you’d like slightly more control over the content of your captions, Google has also implemented “automatic caption timing.” To use this feature, simply transcribe all of the words ...Read More
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Captioning Key - Tools for Creating Captions
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