Help Center
How to Apply for DCMP Membership

Registering for free DCMP membership takes just a couple of minutes as you complete a few short steps.
Begin registration by filling in your name and email address, and creating a username and password.
If you wish to have full DCMP member access to media items, read the disclaimer to see if you qualify. Then click the "I qualify" button, agree to DCMP's Terms of Service, and provide the requested registration information. You'll receive an email to validate your email address. If you qualify, your application will be approved within 48 hours by DCMP staff.
If you do not qualify for membership and would like to access DCMP's free media and resources, or just want to access the eLearning content (such as the former Pepnet eLearning modules), click the "I don't qualify" button to register for access to free resources and eLearning content.
In either case, you must validate your email address before you can be approved for regular membership, as well as before logging in with your eLearner membership.