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Drug Abuse

Video title appears in white against an orange background. Text reads, “10 Reasons You Should Never Try Vaping.”
15 minutes 56 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Young man in glasses looks at camera. Dark concentric circles and flecks of white on periwinkle create the backdrop. Caption. Your heart's job is to pump blood and oxygen to your body.
The Danger Zone: Steering Clear Of Drugs
Season 0 / Ep 1
19 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 6
Still image from: Anatomy of a Puff
15 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Computer rendering of red and green blobs, representing proteins, attached to a lipid bilayer. Caption. This protein, a G-protein, directs the production.
25 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Woman opens mouth mid-speech and holds up 2 fingers with her left hand. Caption. Because all we wanted was a "normal" child.
32 minutes
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Woman sits for an interview against a black background. Text reads, “Katie Hackney. Drug/Alcohol Counselor.”
Career Q&A: Professional Advice and Insight
Episode 4
10 minutes 9 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Senior man standing in the shower touches the base of her neck with a stern look towards camera. Title text reads, "Tips from Former Smokers."
30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Senior woman touches the base of her neck, looking concerned. Title text reads, "A tip from a former smoker."
30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Doctor in green scrubs. Caption. Flakka is pretty much the newest one.
17 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black and white frame of the front of a parked ambulance at night. Caption. G, H, B emergency room episodes are doubling every year.
20 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Closeup side view of a girl with a blond ponytail. She parts her lips as if speaking. Caption. Once you do it once, you'll do it a second time.
The Danger Zone: Steering Clear Of Drugs
Season 0 / Ep 2
12 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 6
3 quarter view of a young man sitting in a recliner and gesturing with palms up and lips parted in mid-speech. Caption. I want to get out and they won't let me.
Aging Out
Season 0 / Ep 3
29 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Middle-aged man wearing glasses looks off camera with a screen showing medical imaging in the background. Caption. They have to do the same stoppage.
24 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Frame of a woman, seated with head down and hair covering her face. Caption. Speed users expect a crash into depression afterwards.
22 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Frame of teenagers, seated, looking same direction, expressions serious. Partial caption. And I didn't, until 20 minutes.
18 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Man wearing a black shirt and beaded necklace looks slightly off camera. Text below him reads, "Jason, in recovery". Caption. K2 is a synthetic weed and not natural.
20 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: Everything You Need to Know About Marijuana in 22 Minutes
22 minutes 42 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Close up of bearded middle-aged man opening his mouth mid-speech, and an out of focus photo of a young woman in the background. Title card reads, "Vincent Provenzano, Lost daughter to Fentanyl Overdose." Caption. Which might be 5- or 10-packs of heroin.
18 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Digital rendering of the hippocampus in yellow and the amygdala in blue. Caption Our brains uses these areas to help remember.
21 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 9
Teenage girl speaks to camera in the corner of the frame with backdrop computer renderings of the human brain. Spanish caption. A procesar información a distinguirnos en la escuela.
21 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 9
Young woman speaks directly to camera with an intent gaze. Caption. If not deadly.
Guidance Systems
Episode 1
17 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage boy faces camera and gestures towards his throat with his hand. He's standing in a school hallway lined with lockers. Caption. Under the age of 18 try their first cigarette each day.
Hands Off Tobacco
Episode 1
7 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Young woman faces camera against a blurred background, gesturing with her hands using sign language. Caption. Take a look.
Hands Off Tobacco
Episode 2
7 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Young woman faces camera against a blue background, smiling and gesturing with her hands using sign language.
Hands Off Tobacco
Episode 3
11 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Young woman faces camera against a blurred background, smiling and gesturing with her hands using sign language. Caption. Self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves.
Hands Off Tobacco
Episode 4
6 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Teenage girl smiles and shrugs her shoulders shyly while looking at another teenage girl smiling back. They are standing in a hallway with school lockers behind them. Caption. He sounds cute.
Hands Off Tobacco
Episode 5
11 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Young woman seated in a chair against a black background. She is facing camera and using sign language. To her left, a grid of 6 people are also facing camera like they are in an interview. Caption. Is still a smoker.
Hands Off Tobacco
Episode 6
20 minutes 14 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Still image from: Health Risks of Vaping Marijuana
19 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Cartoon of a hookah with the word Charcoal appearing above image. Caption. This mixture cannot burn on its own.
16 minutes 50 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Illustration of neurons and dendrites exchanging signals. Caption: The addicted brain has changed.
24 minutes 5 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Light purple background with white and coral text that reads, "How to Quit Juuling and Vaping."
20 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black and white photo. Young man puts an arm around a woman hugging his waist. Caption. We ended up in the room where they were working on David.
20 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of woman facing camera with a serious expression on her face.
20 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Computer rendering shows a blackened anatomical heart against a dark background. Caption. Can short-circuit the heart, causing it to stop.
Season 0 / Ep 3
14 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Closeup of a young woman looking up and to her right against a dark background. Caption. Because of the harmful things in it.
22 minutes 38 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Kids Speak Out Oregon: Drugs and Addiction
Kids Speak Out
Season 2 / Ep 1
27 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Middle-aged man in a lab coat speaks to camera. Text. Dr. Gary Wadle, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, NYU School of Medicine. Caption. About either illegal substances.
20 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
View through car windshield while driving down street at night. Caption. It damages lives and contributes to the growing amount.
27 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
3 men smile with their arms around each other as they hold up beer glasses. Another man leans toward them from across a counter. Caption. Drinking beer, and having fun.
Let's Talk About
Episode 3
7 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Boy drinks from a medicine cup while a woman holds his shoulders and tilts her head to look at him. Caption. You return to school.
Let's Talk About
Episode 1
10 minutes 50 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
4 photo insets include a pack of cigarettes, a black and white photo of a man with a pipe, a hand holding a cigar, and a container of tobacco. Caption. They don't swallow it. They spit it out.
Let's Talk About
Episode 2
9 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Still image from: Marijuana and CBD: The Inside Story
15 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black and white overhead shot of a person smoking. Text overlay reads, "400 chemicals." Caption. A smoker breathes in over 400 chemicals including.
Season 0 / Ep 1
17 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Still image from: Marijuana: New Laws, New Problems for Teens
19 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Teenage boy wears a collared shirt and tilts his head slightly as he purses his lips. His head extends above a measuring line showing 3 to 4 on a white background. Title card reads, "Jonathan, age 14." Caption. So he'll be talking and go like this.
Millennials: Growing Up In the 21st Century
Episode 16
13 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Profile shot of 2 smiling teen boys who wear hooded sweatshirts. Title bar reads, "Year 2." Caption. That was probably the most embarrassing thing.
Millennials: Growing Up In the 21st Century
Episode 13
16 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a smiling teenage boy in a blue sweatshirt and the cropped figure of someone sitting behind him. Caption. Zeke as narrator. Be nice and not be a jerk.
Millennials: Growing Up In the 21st Century
Episode 8
17 minutes 39 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Mind Frame: Substance Abuse Disorder
Mind Frame
Episode 3
8 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 9
Teenage boy speaks to camera, face in shadow. Caption. It was never the same, even from the same person.
16 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: New Marijuana: Higher Potency, Greater Danger
15 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Young woman looks directly into camera with a neutral expression. Caption. I was doing things in secret because of a bad habit.
12 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
3 teenage boys sit in a circle on sleeping bags in a tent. Caption. C'mon man, we all chew.
The Danger Zone: Steering Clear Of Drugs
Season 0 / Ep 3
15 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 6
Black background with blurred light spots. Text on image reads, "Preventing Accidental Drug Overdoses."
11 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of teenagers in formal attire crowded around and looking down in foreground. Caption. I don't even know if she knows what it is.
Aging Out
Season 0 / Ep 5
29 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Woman leans back against a wall at home, holding her hands on her head with an exasperated facial expression. Next to her, a baby sitting on the floor. Caption. Man as narrator. Man is upstairs!
25 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Woman seated at table in lunch room with white tablecloths. Caption. Two, actually, we're doing a processional beforehand.
35 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Blue and white grid backdrop overlaid with text that reads, "The dangers of smoking." Caption. Of preventable deaths in the United States.
Science Video Vocab
Episode 143
3 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Closeup of several clear and red orange filled capsules.
41 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 8 - 12
Senior man sits in a recliner and watches T, V. Caption. But older alcoholics who seek help.
The Doctor Is In
Episode 4
29 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 12
Closeup of people clinking beer bottles in a crowded indoor space. Caption. My friends don't make me drink.
23 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a teenage boy facing camera as he looks down at rows and stacks of prescription bottles. Caption. When used for a long time.
Talk It Out
Episode 1
12 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup profile of a teenage girl holding a cigarette to her lips, smoking. She stares forward and appears to be in a garden setting. Caption. Most kids say, when doing something risky.
Talk It Out
Episode 4
14 minutes 5 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Black and white closeup of a male doctor smiling broadly at camera. He holds a lit cigarette as if in an advertisement. Text on screen reads, "Just what the doctor ordered!" Caption. Narrator. Even medical doctors promoted brands of cigarettes.
Talk It Out
Episode 2
16 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Illustration of nerve cells and the connections between them. Caption: It targets the brain's reward system
Talk It Out
Episode 7
13 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Man sits at a table and holds his fist over his mouth. A take-out burger is near him as another person's hand reaches for it. Text above man reads, "Is associated with fun, coolness and success." Text below reads, "Carlton Beer T, V commercial."
Talk It Out
Episode 3
12 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of a teenager looking over camera, mouth open. The teenager wears a goth hairstyle and clothing. Caption. We're all gonna die 1 day. Make the fullest of it.
Teen Files Flipped
Season 0 / Ep 4
21 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Teenage girl sits at a newsroom desk as she holds papers in front of her. She looks and speaks to camera. Behind her is a bank of newsroom monitors. Text appears next to the Teen Kids News logo and reads, "Coming Up. "We'll be right back."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1347
21 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Woman sits in front of a bookcase filled with books, trophies, and decorative items. She looks at camera as she speaks.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1429
21 minutes 51 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Background image with cross legged people seated on Yoga mats raising their arms overhead. A book cover overlay on the has a title that reads, "Access Your Inner Power. Awakening Your Health and Vitality."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1515
21 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Medium view of a woman in a chef's jacket standing at a preparation table with a baking sheet with large mushrooms on top. The Teen Kids News name and logo appear next to a text box that reads, "Upcoming. Mushroom Mindset."
Teen Kids News
Episode 1523
21 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Indoor party with teenage girls and boys standing in groups around tables. They are talking and smiling at each other while holding red plastic cups. A counter is set with blue plastic utensils, red plates, and red and blue cups.
Teen Kids News
Episode 1609
21 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Blurry closeup of a calendar page with 13 circled in red. Caption. Schedule a date to quit and do it cold turkey.
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 9
5 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Diagram of a hookah with labels. Diagram has arrows showing the flow of air, tobacco smoke and steam through circulating through the hookah. Title card reads, "Hookah." Caption. Female number one as narrator. The hookah is a water pipe.
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 12
3 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Woman in a lab coat sits at a desk next to a computer monitor. She looks past camera as she speaks. Title bar reads, "Deepa Camenga. Pediatrician, Yale New Haven Hospital."
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 8
2 minutes 53 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Closeup side view of a man facing away from camera. Smoke dissipates in front of him as he looks out over a fence.
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 5
1 minutes 57 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Smiling teenage boy speaks into a microphone and glances to the side. He stands beside a bush in a neighborhood setting.
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 1
3 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Closeup of a wall showcasing a child's hand drawn poster. Poster reads, "Make the Right Decision. Stay Smoke Free. Follow Your Dream."
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 2
3 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Woman in a blazer looks past camera with her brow furrowed slightly and lips parted. She sits in front of bookshelves lined with binders and textbooks.
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 3
3 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Man in a lab coat and tie looks past camera and parts lips as he speaks. He stands in the hallway of a medical building.
Teen Kids News: Special on Tobacco
Episode 4
3 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Black and white closeup of a smiling young man who looks down as he curves his hands as if holding a ball. Caption. P, A in the name stands for "production assistant."
Teens 101
Episode 3
23 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Vintage polaroid of a smiling girl in a red plaid hat and scarf. Caption. Behind closed doors.
Teens 101
Episode 2
19 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Low shot of a young man in a baseball hat. Stadium lights shine in the darkness above him. Caption. It happened to me and this is my story.
Teens 101
Episode 1
20 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Diagram shows a chemical structure with hexagons and labeled chemicals and compounds.
30 minutes 43 seconds
Grade Level: 8 - 12
1 hours 21 minutes 48 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Closeup of a teenage boy sitting in his bedroom. Posters are posted over and next to his bed. Caption. To get money for weed, I would shoplift.
Teen Files Flipped
Season 0 / Ep 13
21 minutes 38 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Closeup of an open palm with white pills. Another person's fingers hover over pills.
34 minutes
Grade Level: 6 - 12
Frame of a man in dress shirt and tie, seated. Caption. There may be 1 and 1/2 to 2 times as much of those carcinogens.
19 minutes 9 seconds
Grade Level: 8 - 12
2 people in lab coats hold clipboards in a chemistry lab T, V set. Behind them, a screen with text that reads, "Myth Busters. Caption." Welcome to MythBusters, the show that uncovers.
Drug Facts Action Pack
Season 0 / Ep 4
21 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Young woman with brown hair and bangs stands in front of a white background.
Drug Facts Action Pack
Season 0 / Ep 3
18 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Man wearing a Western sheriff costume sits at a table with a few gray bottles in front of him. His eyes are closed and he appears to be intoxicated. Caption. Bad Bart used to be a decent guy.
Drug Facts Action Pack
Season 0 / Ep 2
19 minutes 57 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Slideshows light coming through gray shadows in the background of text that reads, Vaping and Viruses: Your Lungs, Your Life."
17 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Computer-generated image of a brain with a portion in the middle highlighted green. Text on image reads, "Vaping, Nicotine, and the Developing Brain."
18 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Closeup of an advertisement for hookah with text that reads, 0.8% Nicotine by Volume. Caption. Some contain nicotine and another flavor.
19 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Blonde woman puts her left hand on the shoulder on a young girl standing next to an open bathroom drawer holding scissors. Another young girl looks on from the other side of the drawer. Caption. Kayla, what are you doing?
Wise Owl's Drug Safety Kit
Season 0 / Ep 3
9 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Close up of a young girl with red hair, fair skin, and freckles looking down. A green plant with purple flowers and white window blinds are behind her. Caption. Wendy narrates. Hey, wait a minute!
Wise Owl's Drug Safety Kit
Season 0 / Ep 2
10 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Young woman scrunches nose and opens mouth mid-speech. Blue background with words. Caption. When you're sick, drugs can help your body feel better.
12 minutes 52 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8