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Hundreds of New Accessible Educational Videos You May Have Missed at DCMP

DCMP is continually adding new accessible videos and series, and you may have missed some. These lists can point you toward finding these new educational videos from many of the top content producers, including PBS Digital Studios, Teen Kids News, Litton Entertainment, the Field Museum, Bullfrog Films, PBS Learning Media, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Cinefete, and Films Media Group. Check the "New Releases" feed on your Account Dashboard to keep up with all new arrivals!
Remember, you can see all the videos in a series by looking at each video's media details. Find the link for "Series." You can also click the link for "Producer" to see all the videos and series that are available from that producer.
Note: Teen Kids News episode 1731 provides students with tips for successfully completing online learning.
Titles Related to COVID-19

Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood: Won’t You Sing Along With Me?

Deep Look: How the Coronavirus Attacks Your Lungs

It's Okay to Be Smart: COVID-19 & Mask Myths DEBUNKED!

It's Okay to Be Smart: How Evolution Made COVID-19 Our Perfect Enemy (And Why We’ll Beat It)

It's Okay to Be Smart: How Well Do Masks Work? (Schlieren Imaging In Slow Motion!)

It's Okay to Be Smart: What This Chart Actually Means for COVID-19

It's Okay to Be Smart: Why Soap Is Still Our Best Weapon Against Coronavirus

Physics Girl: Of Course It's Scary (Candid Interview With COVID-19 ER Nurse and Epidemiologist)

Spillover: Zika, Ebola & Beyond

Teen Kids News (Episode 1731)

The Amoeba Sisters: Antibiotics, Antivirals, and Vaccines

The Amoeba Sisters: Viruses
PBS Digital Studios
PBS Digital Studios Series
The Art Assignment
Physics Girl
It's Okay to Be Smart
Deep Look
Weston Woods
Animated Picture Books

Be Kind

Dog Breath (Spanish)

Dog Breath: The Horrible Trouble With Hally Tosis

Say Something

Say Something (Spanish)
Ambrose Video Publishing
Nature's Microworlds

Nature's Microworlds: Galapagos

Nature's Microworlds: Serengeti

Nature's Microworlds: Namib Desert

Nature's Microworlds: Monterey Bay

Nature's Microworlds: Canada's Coastal Forest

Nature's Microworlds: Great Barrier Reef

Nature's Microworlds: Australia's Red Centre

Nature's Microworlds: Yellowstone

Nature's Microworlds: Amazon

Nature's Microworlds: Svalbard
Museum Access
Virtual Museum Visits

Museum Access: Museum of Science and Industry

Museum Access: The Field Museum of Natural History

Museum Access: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Museum Access: The John G. Shedd Aquarium

Museum Access: The Adler Planetarium

Museum Access: The Cloisters

Museum Access: Museum of Broadcast Communications

Museum Access: Terra Cotta Warriors Exhibition

Museum Access: The New York Botanical Garden

Museum Access: The Leonardo da Vinci Machines Exhibition
Litton Entertainment
Accessible Television Series
Jack Hanna's Wild Countdown
The Henry Ford Innovation Nation With Mo Rocca
Jack Hanna's Into the Wild
Mission Unstoppable With Miranda Cosgrove
Oh Baby!
The Amoeba Sisters
Biology With the Amoeba Sisters

The Amoeba Sisters: Nature of Science

The Amoeba Sisters: Casual and Scientific Use of "Theory" and "Law"

The Amoeba Sisters: General Lab Safety

The Amoeba Sisters: Characteristics of Life

The Amoeba Sisters: Properties of Water

The Amoeba Sisters: Prokaryotic v. Eukaryotic Cells

The Amoeba Sisters: Specialized Cells--Significance and Examples

The Amoeba Sisters: Diffusion

The Amoeba Sisters: Osmosis and Water Potential

The Amoeba Sisters: What Is ATP?
Described and Captioned Media Program Series
Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Introduction to "Getting a Job!"

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Your Journey

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Rights, Responsibilities, and the Law

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Role Model: Blake Lindsay

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Introduction to Vocational Rehabilitation

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Workforce Development Centers

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Overview of Social Security Benefits

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI)

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Role Model: Beth Jones

Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired: Social Security Disability Insurance Programs (SSDI)
Note: The videos for Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired are part of DCMP's eLearning Module of the same name. This online training focuses on the transition from school to work and offers a series of activities, supporting documents, and topical videos designed to help the job seeker prepare for the world of work. It features several blind and low-vision role models to guide students along the path to work.
A&E Television Network
History Channel Series
The Men Who Built America
The Men Who Built America: Frontiersmen
America: Promised Land
Civil War Combat
Where Did It Come From?
10 Things You Don't Know About
Rochester School for the Deaf
ASL Storytime Videos

A Color of His Own

Baby's Very First Black and White Book: Babies

Duck, Duck, Dinosaur Snowy Surprise

Farm Animals

Fire Fighter PiggyWiggy

Halloween ASL Vocabulary

I Stink!

Peekaboo! In the Snow

The Apple Bird

The Very Busy Spider

There's an Alligator Under My Bed

Who Will Play With Little Dinosaur?
Rocky Mountain Deaf School
ASL Storytime Videos

10 Fat Turkeys

10 Timid Ghosts

A Camping Spree With Mr. Magee

Because I Had a Teacher

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo

Clifford: The Firehouse Dog

Giraffes Can't Dance

Statewide Outreach Center (SOC) at Texas School for the Deaf
ASL Storytime Videos

Always in Trouble


Heckedy Peg

Is Your Mama a Llama?

Is Your Mama a Llama? (Spanish)

Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale

Pet Emergency First Aid: Cats

The Little Red Hen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
I Contain Multitudes

I Contain Multitudes: Solving Crimes With the Necrobiome

I Contain Multitudes: Can a Fungus Save Plants From Global Warming?

I Contain Multitudes: Nature's Cutest Symbiosis--The Bobtail Squid

I Contain Multitudes: Superbugs That Resist Antibiotics Can Evolve in 11 Days

I Contain Multitudes: How Giant Tube Worms Survive at Hydrothermal Vents

I Contain Multitudes: Mosquitoes Might Save Lives, Thanks to Bacteria

I Contain Multitudes: A Wasp Mom's Gift--Blankets of Bacteria

Zoobabu: Sloth

Zoobabu: Hen

Zoobabu: Reindeer

Zoobabu: Anteater

Zoobabu: Gorilla

Zoobabu: Parrot

Zoobabu: Hermit Crab

Zoobabu: Toad

Zoobabu: Tiger

Zoobabu: Octopus
PBS Learning Media
PBS Learning Media Videos

Colombian Folktale: Shepherd

Colombian Folktale: Shepherd (Spanish)

Conserving Historical Artifacts

Election Foundations

Gray Seals and People: Both Need Fish to Eat

Great Job! Forensic Reconstruction Artist

Ice Cores: Unlocking Past Climates--Calendar in Ice

Mars: Candor Chasma

Rising Up: The Talladega Murals

Saturn's Cyclones

Saving a Lost Language

Tour of the Moon

Using Color to Identify Planets

What Hubble Taught Us About the Planets
New Dimension Media/Questar
Wow! I Never Knew That

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 1)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 2)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 4)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 6)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 7)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 8)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 10)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 15)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 17)

Wow! I Never Knew That! (Episode 18)
Star Maths

Star Maths: Math Symbols

Star Maths: Number Names

Star Maths: Ordering Whole Numbers

Star Maths: Three-Digit Numbers

Star Maths: Counting by Tens

Star Maths: Counting by Hundreds

Star Maths: Fractions

Star Maths: Equivalent Fractions

Star Maths: Units of Time

Star Maths: Time--AM, PM, 24-Hour Digital
Films Media Group
Butterfly Effect

Butterfly Effect: Alexander Becomes Great

Butterfly Effect: Space Conquest

Butterfly Effect: Bouvines--The Birth of the Kingdom of France

Butterfly Effect: Confucius and Chinese Thought

Butterfly Effect: Adrinople--Rome Against the Barbarians

Butterfly Effect: The Internet--The Origins of the Web

Butterfly Effect: Genghis Khan--The Empire of the Steppes

Butterfly Effect: Darwin Discovers the World

Butterfly Effect: Chernobyl--A Reactor Out of Control

Butterfly Effect: Sekigahara--The Battle of the Samurai
Space Colonies and Visions of Earth

Space Colonies: Mars

Space Colonies: The Moon

Space Colonies: The Next Milestone

Visions of Earth: Exploring the Biosphere

Visions of Earth: Exploring the Fluid Spheres

Visions of Earth: Exploring the Geosphere

Visions of Earth: Tool Kit for Teachers
More Series
New Episodes
Teen Kids News
Artrageous With Nate
The Brain Scoop
Literary Elements and Techniques
The Queen's Garden
Uniquely New York
Ice Cores: Unlocking Past Climates
Orbit: Earth's Extraordinary Journey
Nature's Microworlds
Human + The Future of Our Senses