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Search results for 'spanish'

18 Learning Center results found.

Spanish Language Resources from the DCMP

Welcome to the DCMP’s collection of Spanish language resources. Here, you can access DCMP articles that have been translated into Spanish, explore a F.A.Q. about accessibility (from dicapta), and find information about DCMP’s collection of Spanish language educational videos. about educators, spanish

Public Service Announcement - Video Description (Spanish-Language Video)

This public service announcement on "Video Description" is brought to you by the Family Center on Technology and Disability and Dicapta. Video description describes providews audio-narrated descriptions of the images in a program/video for viewers with blindness or low vision. For more information in Spanish about video description, please visit about description, spanish

The Influence of English Language and Spanish Language Captions on Foreign Language Listening/Reading Comprehension

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using Spanish captions, English captions, or no captions with a Spanish language soundtrack on the comprehension of intermediate students in a university-level "Spanish as a Foreign Language" class. Concludes with a discussion of the pedagogical implications of using multilingual captions in a variety of ways to enhance second language listening and reading comprehension. By Paul Markham and Lizette Peter, University of Kansas, 2002. about research, spanish

Children, Media, and Race: Media Use Among White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American Children

This report documents differences in the role of media in the lives of White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian children in the United States: which types of media they use, how much time they spend in various media activities, which media platforms and devices they own, and what the media environment is like in their households. From the Center on Media and Human Development, Northwestern University (2011). Report by Victoria Rideout, MA; Alexis Lauricella, PhD; and Ellen Wartella, PhD. about research, spanish

Educational Videos That Are Accessible and Bilingual

DCMP has many videos available in both English and Spanish. These videos are made accessible with high-quality captions and audio description for both languages. One special feature of our video player is the ability to make these videos bilingual. For example, a viewer may choose to play a video with English captions and Spanish audio description, and vice-versa. This may be useful for some students learning a second language, or who are bilingual but more proficient in one language. From about description, captioning, spanish, collaborators

Moko el Joven Explorador

MOKO es un explorador. Mientras recorre el mundo continente tras continente, hace muchos amigos y conoce maravillosos fenómenos naturales que algunas veces le fascinan y otras lo asustan. Cada episodio animado cuenta una aventura y se basa en una historia original que pretende explicar esos fenómenos naturales. about topic-playlist, spanish

¿Que es la Descripcion?

La descripción es la narración verbal de elementos visuales importantes en medios de comunicación y producciones en vivo. Normalmente se añade durante pausas naturales dentro de los diálogos, la música o el audio de fondo. El objetivo básico de la descripción es brindar acceso a las personas con pérdida visual, a la información contenida en producciones de televisión y de películas, producciones teatrales, librerías y museos. about dcmp, description, spanish

Haga Sus Producciones Mas Accesibles

¿Como pueden beneficiarlo los servicios de "caption" o subtitulos ocultos y la descripcion? about dcmp, description, captioning, spanish

¿Como Hacer Para Que Mis Programas Sean Subtitulados?

La inserción de “caption” o subtítulos ocultos es el proceso por el cual se convierte el contenido de audio de un programa de televisión, un Webcast, una película, un video, CD-ROM, DVD, un evento en vivo y en directo o cualquier otro tipo de producción a texto, y se hace que éste a su vez aparezca en una pantalla o monitor. Dicho texto incluye la identificación de los hablantes, efectos de sonido y descripción de la música. En esencia, el “caption” o subtítulo oculto se basa no solo en lo que se dice, sino también en lo que se comunica. Es decir, no es una mera transcripción de texto. about dcmp, description, captioning, spanish

Durante los Silencios

El DCMP brinda a los padres una mejor opcion para ayudar a estudiantes ciegos o con impedimentos visuales a aprender de los componentes visuales contenidos en medios audiovisuales. about dcmp, description, spanish

The Influence of English Language and Spanish Language Captions on Foreign Language Listening/Reading Comprehension

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using Spanish captions, English captions, or no captions with a Spanish language soundtrack on intermediate university-level Spanish as a Foreign Language students' listening/reading comprehension. These findings indicate that intermediate-level foreign language students' listening comprehension/reading comprehension can be substantially enhanced via the use of captions in English or Spanish about research, captioning, spanish

Audio Description: Professional Recognition, Practice and Standards in Spain

This article looks at the context of accessibility in Spain, and after a general picture of the Spanish reality on media accessibility, it goes into describing and analyzing the standard for audio description approved in 2005 by the Spanish Ministerio de Trabajo (Ministry of Labour). By Pilar Orero, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. about research, description, spanish

The Influence of English Language and Spanish Language Captions on Foreign Language Listening/Reading Comprehension

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using Spanish captions, English captions, or no captions with a Spanish language soundtrack on intermediate university-level Spanish as a Foreign Language students' listening/reading comprehension. These findings indicate that intermediate-level foreign language students' listening comprehension/reading comprehension can be substantially enhanced via the use of captions in English or Spanish about research, captioning, spanish

Spanish Guidelines for Video Description (Spanish)

This general guide to the description of video, by Dicapta in 2012, proposes parameters, rules, and guidelines. The authors indicate that it is a difficult task to develop standards, given the creative and artistic nature of this activity. about manuals-and-guidelines, description, spanish

The Captioning Key (Spanish Translation)

A 2011 Spanish translation by Dicapta of the DCMP Captioning Key. about guidelines, manuals-and-guidelines, captioning

American Sign Language Training Presented in Spanish

DCMP offers sign language learning resources in Spanish. about handout

Described and Captioned Media Program Spanish Brochure

You can download and print this Spanish-language tri-fold brochure that provides an overview of the Described and Captioned Media Program's services. about dcmp

"Do It Yourself" Educational Description: Guidelines And Tools (Spanish)

Topics for this 90-minute webinar include: 1) An update of the activities of the VDRDC; 2) The "Dos and Don'ts" of description; 3) Live demonstrations of two FREE software programs which can be used to add description to media; and 4) An overview of resources for obtaining described materials for use in the classroom. about manuals-and-guidelines, webinar, description