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Teenage boy with his arm over a girl's shoulder as they walk down a school hallway. Text over the image reads, Carnel ranks in the nation's top 5% of public high schools in academics. Caption. People talking and laughing.
53 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: All About Asia for Kids
8 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 8
Still image from: All About India
9 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Aerial view. Rows of flaming clay lamps fill frame. Title card reads, "Diyas." Caption. Diwali is named after the clay lamps, or diyas.
All About the Holidays
Episode 9
1 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Still image from: All About the Holidays: Diwali (Spanish)
All About the Holidays
1 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Hawa Mahal. Caption: Also known as the Palace of Winds,
Around the World
Episode 23
2 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Backs of a few men walking and biking down a busy street next to a yellow rickshaw. The street is surrounded by busy, multistory buildings with many signs. Caption. Male as narrator. "Madurai, in the southern state of Tamil Nadu."
Around the World
Episode 25
2 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Tan stone domes, pillars, and arches at top of the Taj Mahal against a gray sky background. Caption. "Of Indian, Persian, Turkish, and Islamic influences."
Around the World
Episode 8
2 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Two elephants being ridden by two people each on a path through a jungle. Caption: It's time to head out for food.
11 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 6
Close up of an orange, white, and black tiger laying down. Caption: (narrator) This is charger, Brabaricha's dad --
23 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Crash Course World History I: Indus Valley Civilization
Crash Course World History I
Season 0 / Ep 2
9 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: Crash Course World History II: Drought and Famine
Crash Course World History II
Season 2 / Ep 8
10 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Still image from: Crash Course World History II: The Mughal Empire and Historical Reputation
Crash Course World History II
Season 2 / Ep 17
11 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Black ink sketch of the Taj Mahal with the hand of the artist covering part of the building as it draws one of the spires in front.
6 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Wide shot of crowded vehicle and pedestrian street in India. Caption. Held steadily at 7% in the 10-year span.
14 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Close up of an Indian woman with looped side braids. Caption. Kaushalya is receiving a good education.
14 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 10
Wide shot of the front of the Taj Mahal, a white 17th century marble mausoleum. Caption. And an eternal monument to love.
29 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 10
Black and white side angle photo of Mother Teresa standing with 2 men and a child looking back at her.
29 minutes
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Black and white photo of woman wearing a scarf over her head and tattered sari.
16 minutes 52 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Rituals of the World: India--Festival of Color
Rituals of the World
Episode 8
26 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Person holding the head of a snake on the ground with a metal rod and holding the snake just behind the head with their hand. Caption: The snake charmers will burn the venom glands.
23 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Man sitting on boxes in a camel drawn cart in a South Asian town. Caption. Drawing carts through traffic.
23 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 8 - 12
Painting of a side angle view of the Taj Mahal. Caption. The final abode of Mumtaz will be a paradise on Earth.
9 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 10
Digital illustration of an ancient Indian city with the snow-dusted mountains in the distance. In the foreground, people are wading in a body of water. Caption. Where each drop, just like each person.
The Time Compass
Episode 29
19 minutes 51 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Digital illustration of Hindu god Brahma wearing necklaces and a bindi on his forehead. Behind him, a body of water, steep green mountains, and tropical flowers. Spanish caption. La que me transmite los secretos del Brahma.
The Time Compass
Episode 30
16 minutes 39 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Several Indian men wearing slacks and button up shirts congregate in the sun on gray stone stairs. Caption. Today, the majority of India's population is Hindu.
World Heritage
Episode 18
24 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Indian woman fills a pot with water over a kitchen sink. Caption. I have 1 passion, I love to cook.
There Is No Food Like My Food
Season 0 / Ep 10
13 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Low shot looking up at a person walking a tightrope line while holding a balancing pole at their chest. In the background, a multi-story building towers above. Caption. I am part of those reasons too, I guess.
This Is My World
Episode 2
56 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8