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Events and Contests
Description-themed contests and events designed to promote awareness about the benefits of listening to described media!
Benefits of Audio Description in Education (BADIE)
The Benefits of Audio Description in Education (BADIE) is a contest for students who watch educational videos with description soundtracks and then provide a review of their experience. Visit the BADIE web page to learn more.

Listening Awareness Month
Video with description is a great learning tool every day, all year long. March is “Listening Awareness Month” and a perfect time to promote description and teach people about its benefits. (See What is Description? for a definition and examples of description.) We’ve partnered with the International Listening Association (ILA) to strengthen our message.

The ILA is a professional organization, and its members are dedicated to learning more about the impact that listening has on all human activity. With a membership based in the fields of education, business, government, medicine, human resources, training and development, media, and the arts, the ILA brings a great deal of multidisciplinary listening expertise to our partnership.
How to Celebrate Listening Awareness Month
- 1. Learn about the benefits of listening.
- The ILA is a great source of information about listening, so be sure to check out the ILA website for a wealth of information. And, of course, we’ve provided a primer of sorts to explain the benefits of listening specifically to description (even for students with no visual impairments) available right here on the LIL site.
- 2. Experience some audio description.
- LIL is all about video-based media, and the DCMP provides a great deal of described educational content to its members. You can also check out the DCMP YouTube channel for some previews and exclusive videos with open description. There’s also a great list of DVDs available with description on the Audio Description Project website.
- 3. Show your LIL pride!
- If you’re a fan of listening—especially if you’re a fan of listening to description—you’ll definitely want to hang up one of our 18-inch-by-24-inch posters [PDF]! If you’re especially motivated, you can also order some colorful LIL brochures [PDF] to pass out to folks you wish to enlist in the cause of listening to description! Posters and brochures are available at absolutely no charge and look great on any number of surfaces, so get yours today!
- 4. Become a LIL collaborator.
- Are you a member, officer, board member, or other representative of a listening-focused organization? While LIL is focused on listening to description, we’re mindful that there are tons of applications for listening, just as there are myriad reasons for developing and fostering impeccable listening skills, and we want to invite you into the LIL fold as a collaborator. For more information, or to make recommendations, fill out our LIL contact form.