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Media Accessibility Information, Guidelines and Research
DCMP: A Valuable Media Resource for Educators and Parents

We're excited to share with you a free educational resource for students with disabilities: The Described and Captioned Media Program.
DCMP is a federally funded program that provides unlimited access to thousands of accessible educational videos. Because we are funded by the U.S. Department of Education, there is no cost for any of our services.
We have videos for early learners through high school and into transition, as well as for parents and teachers. You’ll find a full range of subjects, including ASL storytelling, deaf culture, blindness, deaf-blindness, math, science, history, and children’s literature.
As a DCMP member, you can:
- view over 8,000 accessible educational videos and television programs.
- videos aligned to State and Common Core standards
- watch online or on DVD (with free return postage).
- create student accounts.
- build Clips and Lessons.
- view videos in ASL.
- enhance learning with interactive transcripts of captions and description.
- access education, accessibility, and advocacy resources.
- earn CEUs with eLearning Resources.

Get to know DCMP by previewing videos using the Search and Browse options at the top of the page. Explore DCMP's educator eLearning resources, like QuickClasses and Modules for which you can earn CEUs. Visit our Help Center for more information about how to view media, use Interactive Transcripts, create Student Accounts, and set your browsing preferences.
Registering for membership is easy. It takes just a few minutes to verify your email address and fill out the application. DCMP staff will notify you as soon as your membership is approved.
To qualify for an account, you simply need to be a parent or professional working with a student with a disability who is an early learner through high school age.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@dcmp.org.
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