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Media Accessibility Information, Guidelines and Research

Children, Media, and Race: Media Use Among White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American Children

This report documents differences in the role of media in the lives of White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian children in the United States: which types of media they use, how much time they spend in various media activities, which media platforms and devices they own, and what the media environment is like in their households. From the Center on Media and Human Development, Northwestern University (2011). Report by Victoria Rideout, MA; Alexis Lauricella, PhD; and Ellen Wartella, PhD.

Children, Media, and Race: Media Use Among White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American Children

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Dr. Ellen Wartella's welcome speech to the Children, Media, and Race Conference and presentation of Children, Media, and Race: Media Use Among White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American Children Report data.

Tags: spanish, research

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