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Endangered Ocean

Endangered Ocean

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Many species of marine life are endangered, and it's not predators that are causing their decline. Humans are having a tremendous impact on the health of aquatic environments. This series discusses the important need of keeping the ocean ecosystem healthy.

Close up of a sawfish on the ocean floor. It has a large flat body with a long tooth-lined shaft from the mouth. Caption: (male narrator) Sawfish are large, shark-like rays
Endangered Ocean
Episode 1
2 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Person on boat holding a rope attached to a whale in the water. Caption: But steps continue to be taken to help protect this species.
Endangered Ocean
Episode 2
2 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Human hand holding a small, thin brown shark. The shark fits neatly into the palm of the hand. Caption:  Photo by Chip Clark, Smithsonian Institution. Caption: the small dwarf lantern can fit in the palm of your hand.
Endangered Ocean
Episode 3
2 minutes 14 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Close up of a sea turtle swimming on the ocean floor. Caption: There are seven different species of sea turtles,
Endangered Ocean
Episode 4
2 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Manatee swimming in the water. Person in scuba gear in the background. Caption: Manatees are actually incredibly graceful creatures.
Endangered Ocean
Episode 6
2 minutes 24 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Tryptic of a coral reef, ice shelf, and seal on a beach. Caption:  Endangered Species Act. Caption: under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
Endangered Ocean
Episode 7
2 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12