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145 media results found for 'blind'

29 matches also found in The Learning Center

Man's hand holding a cup with orange object. Caption. Is too flat, and/or the eyeball itself is too short.
27 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12

Advertising has become standard practice in health care, and vision correction appears to be taking the lead. Americans spend nearly $2 billion on vision correction, and providers spend nearly $200 million on advertising it. Looks into the ethics ...Read More

Young girl in a white shirt sits behind a large drum with her hands on it. There are other drums and instruments nearby in what appears to be a music classroom. Caption. She is the only student at her school with severe visual impairment.
Raising a Visually Impaired Child: Personal Stories From Parents, Siblings, and Children With Visual Impairments
Episode 9
58 minutes 48 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

Alexandra Alfonso is anything but shy. This precocious eight-year-old is confident, feisty, and enjoys showing off her math skills. Alexandra, Allie, as she likes to be called, was born with Peter's Anomaly, a glaucoma-like condition that resulted...Read More

A chubby baby wearing a blue long sleeved shirt and white cap lays on a white blanket. Caption. The Horstmeyer's only child requires round the clock care.
Raising a Visually Impaired Child: Personal Stories From Parents, Siblings, and Children With Visual Impairments
Episode 8
58 minutes 48 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

Sam was born with an autosomal recessive form of microcephaly, a condition marked by a small head, severe developmental delays, blindness, and other challenges. He began receiving support services at 18 months and in the fall of 2007, began kinder...Read More

Low shot of a person holding a baby resting in a handheld carrier. Caption. Jen as narrator. Look at who is coming home for the first time!
Raising a Visually Impaired Child: Personal Stories From Parents, Siblings, and Children With Visual Impairments
Episode 7
5 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

Camille was born premature and now has severe retinopathy of prematurity. Born at 25 weeks and weighing less than two pounds, she spent nearly three months in the neonatal intensive care unit and arrived home at nearly five pounds. Though it took ...Read More

Man and woman sit on a couch with big red patterned pillows. The man holds a smiling toddler in a bright yellow shirt between his legs. Caption. The Smith-Levins remain positive about Max's future.
Raising a Visually Impaired Child: Personal Stories From Parents, Siblings, and Children With Visual Impairments
Episode 6
6 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

Parents Jenny Smith and Alan Levin discuss their son Max Smith-Levin. Max is a two-year-old bundle of energy who brings joy to his parents and big sister Callie. He also has an extremely rare condition called bilateral anophthalmia, meaning he was...Read More