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Transportation: Automotive Safety Innovations

12 minutes 47 seconds

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Automobiles have evolved in many ways over the years, with increasing fuel economy, reliability, handling, and comfort. However, automobile manufacturing is in a new era, focusing on safety while incorporating impressive new technologies into transportation needs. With a growing population, there are subsequently more people driving and more automobiles on the road. With more congestion and traffic, the likelihood of accidents seems imminent. Automobile engineers are reacting by making transportation options safer with extensive crash tests, monitoring cameras, and accident avoidance systems.

Media Details

Runtime: 12 minutes 47 seconds

Industrial plant from a distance. Caption: That's the world's largest PLA manufacturing plant.
1 hours 24 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Automobile factory with an assembly line of cars surrounded by several robotic devices.
24 minutes
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Profile of a woman seated at a desk working on a computer. 2 workstations with monitors and keyboards are in the background.
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