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The Brain Scoop: Mammalian Diversification

3 minutes 42 seconds

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Host Emily Graslie discusses a new scientific theory about mammalian diversification. According to this new theory, placental mammals evolved before a major mass extinction event, which occurred sixty-five million years ago. However, there is no fossil record to prove the new theory, but scientists around the world used genetic material to form their theory. Part of "The Brain Scoop" series.

Media Details

Runtime: 3 minutes 42 seconds

Illustration of a skeleton. Arrows indicate the front right toe and back left heel. Caption: Their elongated heel bone and Achilles tendon.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 1
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Grade Level: 10 - 12
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Episode 2
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Episode 3
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Episode 4
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Episode 5
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Episode 6
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Episode 7
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Episode 8
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Episode 9
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