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Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired - Module
The Getting a Job! for Students Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired online training was developed and designed for students who are blind and visually impaired and the professionals who work with them. Focusing on the transition from school to work, the training offers a series of activities, supporting documents, and topical videos designed to help the job seeker prepare for the world of work. It features several blind and low vision role models to guide students along the path to work.
This eLearning course can be completed in multiple sessions. Students can document their thoughts, lessons, and important papers in their own Career Planning Log. Completing all the activities and assignments will earn a student a “Verification of Completion” certificate. Participants will need to sign up for a free DCMP eLearner account.

Support Documents
Educator's Guide (Accessible PDF)
Interview Checklist (Accessible PDF)
Practice Interview Questions (Accessible PDF)
Application for Employment (Accessible PDF)
Accommodation Scenarios (Accessible PDF)
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