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Media Accessibility Information, Guidelines and Research
Teacher Survey of Captioned Media
By Gallaudet University
Captioned Media and Educational Technology: Research into Contemporary School Practice
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Captioning and Adaptation Branch
Grant Award: H026R30005
Captioned Video Survey
- Teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students
- Random sample of students
- Spring 1994
- Two-thirds from local school programs
- 212 teachers total
- 175 classroom teachers (the rest resource, itinerant, etc.)
Use of Video
- 94 percent of classroom teachers had used video during the academic year
- Estimated frequency of use--once a week
Are captioned video materials valuable?
- Very valuable--81%
- Valuable--19%
- Not valuable--0%
Were all, some, or none captioned?
- Some--64%
- All--26%
- None--10%
What was done to make uncaptioned videos accessible?
- Teacher interpreted--77.2%
- Someone else interpreted--29.3%
- Amplification--5.7%
- Other--6.5%
Where do you obtain captioned video materials?
- School library--50%
- CFV--44%
- Video store--38%
- Record/VCR--22%
- Purchase--19%
- Public library--14%
- Modern Talking Pictures--3%
For your last use only--Where did you obtain captioned video materials?
- Borrowed--56.3%
- Rented--14.3%
- Purchased--13.4%
- Recorded--13.4%
- Other--2.7%
- Not applicable--1.8%
Last use only: Other information
- 34% of videos were not captioned or signed
- 63% said the captioning level was appropriate for students
- 88% used videotapes; 10% used films
- Teachers' difficulties with captioned video media
- 56% reported difficulties obtaining
- 44% did not mention difficulties obtaining
- 18% reported difficulties in using
Problems: Comments about reading level
- Too hard--28%
- Too fast--14%
- Too easy--6%
- Too slow--3%
Problems with captioned video media
- Hard/fast--32%
- Coverage--23%
- Errors--22%
- None--16%

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