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Media Accessibility Information, Guidelines and Research
ERIC Digests and Database Reports on Captioning Research Results (Nine Reports)
Included are nine ERIC reports: (1) "Closed-Captioned Prompt Rates: Their Influence on Reading Outcomes.," (2) "Closed Captioned TV: A Resource for ESL Literacy Education.," (3) "Closed Captioned Television for Adult LEP Literacy Learners.," (4) "ESL Literacy for a Linguistic Minority: The Deaf Experience.," (5) "Literacy Instruction Through Communicative and Visual Arts.," (6) "ESL Instruction for Learning Disabled Adults.," (7) "Using the Technology of Closed-Captioned Television to Teach Reading to Handicapped Students: Performance Reports," (8) "Using Captioned TV for Teaching Reading: FASTBACK 359," and (9) "The Effectiveness of Television Captioning on Comprehension and Preference."

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