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Color illustration of a tree with several long spikes of golden resin extending down and running along a branch.
25 minutes
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Archaeologist David Hurt Thomas, a man with short gray hair and a white goatee, talks in front of a large bookshelf and a globe. Caption. "A relative or a leader."
Ask a Scientist About
Episode 4
9 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Recently Added
Still image from: Dinos From A to Z: A Dino Summary
3 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Recently Added
Still image from: Dinos From A to Z: Classification
4 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Digital illustration shows three brontosauruses lounging in the jungle against a partly cloudy sky. Text reads, “Dinosaurs.”
8 minutes 56 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
A cartoon shows a large python wrapping its body and squeezing a small crocodile.
Season 2 / Ep 53
7 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration depicts a pair of reptile like dinosaurs running in a desert. Image credit: Ceri Thomas.
Season 2 / Ep 36
8 minutes 33 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration depicts a theropod dinosaur, looking into a nest with eggs and newborn dinosaurs.
Season 2 / Ep 39
7 minutes 28 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration of a Daphoenus Demilo.
Season 2 / Ep 45
9 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A cartoon shows the skeletal structure of a giant dinosaur.
Season 2 / Ep 49
12 minutes
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A painting depicts scientists comparing Piltdown Man's remains to other species. Charles Dawson and Sir Arthur Smith Woodward are seen standing together.
Season 2 / Ep 33
9 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration depicts an old shepherd, wearing clothes made from animal leather, sitting on a rock.
Season 2 / Ep 48
9 minutes 9 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration depicts a pair of dinosaurs fighting each other.
Season 2 / Ep 34
8 minutes 35 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration depicts the dinosaur, Coelophysis, with new born Coelophysis in between its beak.
Season 2 / Ep 32
10 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
The sculpture, of a dragon sprawled, at the steps of Kinh Thien palace. Caption: Remains of Kinh Thien Palace.
Season 2 / Ep 41
12 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration depicts a bat flying in sky.
Season 2 / Ep 35
11 minutes 9 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration of a hyaenodont. Caption: Illustration by Alan Turner and Maurico Anton.
Season 2 / Ep 43
9 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A skull from the fossils of Homo floresiensis, and a rough sketch of the limbs of the fossil remains are presented.
Season 2 / Ep 40
9 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
An illustration of a male Woolly mammoth.
Season 2 / Ep 44
11 minutes 2 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Title text reads, "Fossils for Kids," over a digital illustration of various dinosaur skeletons.
10 minutes 42 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 6
A diagram showing the transition from Reptiles (dinosaurs and crocodile-like animal) to Archaeopteryx (feathered animal between a reptile and a bird), to Birds. Caption: between birds and reptiles.
Great Transitions
Episode 2
18 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Illustration of a primate standing on two legs. Caption: Ardi is neither a chimp nor is she a human.
Great Transitions
Episode 3
19 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Illustration of a four-legged animal standing in shallow water on top of a layer of rock. Caption: Many things must happen for an animal to be fossilized.
Great Transitions
Episode 1
17 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Still image from: Museum Access: Best of Prehistoric Times (LA/Chicago)
Museum Access
Season 6 / Ep 1
26 minutes 24 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Street view of the entrance of a large, ornate stone building with 4 Roman-style pillars and wide stairways leading up to it. Several banners advertising different museum displays hang on the building or between pillars.
Museum Access
Season 1 / Ep 2
25 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
The front of a large building with animal scenes carved into the cement at the top of it. In front of the staircases leading up to the entrance is a gray statue of 2 large cats crouching with text underneath that reads, "La Brea Tar Pits and Museum."
Museum Access
Season 3 / Ep 10
26 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Two people with tools in their hands in a desert-like setting, digging in a mound of earth. Caption: Searching for these 112 to 98 million-year-old remains,
Natural News From The Field Museum
Season 0 / Ep 3
5 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A woman seated at a desk in a suit jacket surrounded by books and preserved specimens. Inset picture: Bear-like creature - Caption: Beardogs! … They're a thing. As named, they resemble a mash-up for a bear and a dog.
Natural News From The Field Museum
Season 0 / Ep 6
6 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Split image of a small shoot of corn and a fully developed ear of yellow corn. Caption: could be the ancestor of maize.
17 minutes 51 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12
Fossilized outline of a fish in stone. Caption: and eventually turns to stone.
Real World Science
Episode 15
15 minutes
Grade Level: 4 - 8
Still image from: SciShow Kids: Dig In to Paleontology
SciShow Kids
Season 2015 / Ep 43
4 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 3 - 5
Fossilized dinosaur skeleton still partially encased in rock displayed next to a model of the same dinosaur. Caption: Out of those, only a few are really prepared well.
Shelf Life
Season 1 / Ep 10
6 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Recently Added
Still image from: Sparky and Caramela: Prehistoric Bones
Sparky & Caramela
Season 1 / Ep 2
6 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
illustration of Coelophysis. On screen text, dinosaurs. Caption: Female, Coelophysis lived about 220 million years ago.
44 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Person holding a fossil of a spiral shaped animal. Caption: Hildoceras bifrons is an extinct species of ammonite
The Brain Scoop
Episode 53
5 minutes 42 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A diagram titled, ghost lineage, shows cars of different ages.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 72
12 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Sarcophagus covered in faded paint. Caption: a male from the 25th dynasty, about 2,700 years ago,
The Brain Scoop
Episode 30
7 minutes 34 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Illustration of large mammals with curving tusks. Caption: and many of his paintings hung with the articulated skeletons
The Brain Scoop
Episode 58
8 minutes 2 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Person holding a taxidermized flying squirrel with legs extended. Caption: As you know, flying squirrels don't fly, they glide.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 8
6 minutes 47 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Person gesturing towards preserved remains of a dinosaur. Caption: This shape tells us that it's a meat-eating dinosaur.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 16
7 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Person running. Caption: This frees our lower back, the lumbar, for movement.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 35
4 minutes 42 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Platypus with a duck-like snout, webbed feet, and a furry body. Caption: They're the craziest things I've seen in my life.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 9
5 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
A large ship is in the water piping fossil fuels. An expanded view from the ship depicts a man researching in a lab setup. Caption: What happens over the last 70 million years.
The Brain Scoop
Episode 66
12 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Illustration of globular organisms with fine hairs projecting from their body. Caption: When they die, their shells become part of the sediment.
33 minutes 43 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12
Cartoon of a group of large cat-like animals with two protruding fangs. Caption: (narrator) This tells us a little about the life of baby saber-tooths.
5 minutes 16 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12
Cartoon characters in prehistoric times standing among large dinosaurs. Caption: They're even good mothers.
The Magic School Bus
Season 2 / Ep 203
25 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 6
Collection of sharp tools made from stone. Caption: Stone-tool technology designed to create sharp edges.
5 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12