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Backyard Bugs & Other Arthropods

Backyard Bugs & Other Arthropods

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"Bug" is a name that is given to many invertebrate animals, or animals that do not have a backbone. Mostly it is used to describe those invertebrate animals that have a segmented, hard outer skeleton and jointed legs. This series explores the common bugs and arthropods found in one's backyard.

Hand holding a magnifying glass pointing to something on the ground. Caption: Do you see it?
Backyard Bugs & Other Arthropods
Episode 1
13 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Close up of a cockroach head and body. Caption: A bunch of 'em -- American cockroaches.
Backyard Bugs & Other Arthropods
Episode 2
11 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8
Spider with long narrow legs and a small narrow body at the center of a delicate spider web. Caption: Spiders are arachnids.
Backyard Bugs & Other Arthropods
Episode 3
14 minutes 44 seconds
Grade Level: 5 - 8