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I Love Music!

I Love Music!

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Students travel to various parts of the world and learn about the importance that music plays around the globe. Each program explores a different type of music or musical instrument. Various programs also focus on a culture’s unique festivals and dancing.

Boy with furrowed brow and white strap over his shoulder stands front and center. 2 boys hold instruments and stand behind him to each side.
I Love Music!
Episode 6
7 minutes 21 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 7
3 girls behind music stands play the clarinet in a living room setting. A man in collared shirt and necktie sits on a piano bench across from them. Caption. Kate as Narrator. We always start the lesson by doing scales.
I Love Music!
Episode 10
7 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 7
Blurry image of slender, leafy green trees with grass in the foreground. Caption. And the truth is, so am I.
I Love Music!
Episode 19
7 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 7
Still frame of a verdant courtyard with a person partially obscured behind a beige column. Caption. It looks like an uncomplicated instrument.
I Love Music!
Episode 28
7 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 7