I'm...! -- Machines At Work
Apply for Free MembershipCome meet the different machines that perform important daily work. There's a garbage truck with one really big appetite and even bigger smell, and a fire truck that proudly races to help put out fires. Even the front loader working at the constructions site enjoys playing in the dirt, and a train who takes his job of delivering freight very seriously. Based on the four children's books by Kate McMullan.

I'm...! -- Machines At Work
Episode 1
9 minutes 8 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 3

I'm...! -- Machines At Work
Episode 2
8 minutes 23 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 3

I'm...! -- Machines At Work
Episode 3
7 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 3

I'm...! -- Machines At Work
Episode 4
7 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 3