255 media results found for 'asl'

Duke the Deaf Dog does not like being told "never mind." It makes him feel left out, and he desires to be part of conversations. Based on the book by Kelly Brakenhoff.

A quick lesson on ASL idioms hosted by Christina Vorreyer-Davis from the Deaf Mentor Program with the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Part of the "Did You Know? ASL Idioms" series.

A quick lesson on ASL idioms hosted by Christina Vorreyer-Davis from the Deaf Mentor Program with the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Part of the "Did You Know? ASL Idioms" series.

A quick lesson on ASL idioms hosted by Christina Vorreyer-Davis from the Deaf Mentor Program with the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Part of the "Did You Know? ASL Idioms" series.

A quick lesson on ASL idioms hosted by Christina Vorreyer-Davis from the Deaf Mentor Program with the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Part of the "Did You Know? ASL Idioms" series.

A quick lesson on ASL idioms hosted by Christina Vorreyer-Davis from the Deaf Mentor Program with the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Part of the "Did You Know? ASL Idioms" series.

A quick lesson on ASL idioms hosted by Christina Vorreyer-Davis from the Deaf Mentor Program with the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Part of the "Did You Know? ASL Idioms" series.

A quick lesson on ASL idioms hosted by Christina Vorreyer-Davis from the Deaf Mentor Program with the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Part of the "Did You Know? ASL Idioms" series.

This episode covers signs for clothing items. Presented in American Sign Language by the Arizona Schools State for the Deaf and Blind Deaf Mentor Program. Part of the "First 300 Signs" series.

Deaf mentors demonstrate the signs for animal names in this episode. Presented in American Sign Language (ASL) by the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind Deaf Mentor Program. Part of the "First 300 Signs" series.

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with teachers who are deaf. A middle/high school history teacher, Marla Marks, teaches a lesson to students on the history of fashion design. Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretatio...Read More

How would you interpret English idioms using ASL? Would you make different choices if you were in a classroom and the Deaf child will see these idioms on a test? Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstrate how ...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with children who are deaf. Derek Scalercio, a ten-year-old student who is deaf, signs two original anecdotes, and two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstrate how to in...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with children who are deaf. Brianna Watts Keogh, a seven-year-old child who is deaf, signs three original anecdotes and "The Three Little Pigs." Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpreta...Read More

Gives voice-to-sign interpreting practice with children who are hearing. Twelve-year-old Krisjana, who is hearing, gives a class report on ancient Greece. Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstrate how to inte...Read More

Gives voice-to-sign interpreting practice with teachers who are hearing. A fourth grade science teacher, Jeanne Cicchetto, orally presents a lesson on anatomy including the respiratory system, digestive system, and the heart. Two certified interpr...Read More
Katie, an 11-year-old girl, has moved into the neighborhood. Katie is deaf and uses sign language to communicate. Katie's mom suggests a trip to the zoo with the girls on Katie's street. They get to know each other and learn signs for the zoo anim...Read More

Designed to teach hearing families of deaf and hard of hearing children American Sign Language and deaf culture information. Each lesson has five parts: Language Information, Introduction of Signs, Sentence Practice, Cultural Information, and Teac...Read More

Designed to teach hearing families of deaf and hard of hearing children American Sign Language and deaf culture information. Each lesson has five parts: Language Information, Introduction of Signs, Sentence Practice, Cultural Information, and Teac...Read More

Designed to teach hearing families of deaf and hard-of-hearing children American Sign Language and deaf culture information. Each lesson has five parts: Language Information, Introduction of Signs, Sentence Practice, Cultural Information, and Teac...Read More