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Image for Weston Woods Studios

Weston Woods Studios

Weston Woods creates audiovisual adaptations that are faithful reflections of the books themselves, seeking the best books from all over the world and adapting them in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the original. By doing so, Weston Woods helps children discover the riches that are trapped between the covers of the books and motivate them to want to read for themselves.

Watercolor painting. A girl wearing a pink floral apron reaches her hands down into a bowl in front of her. Caption. Wearing her mother's apron.
12 minutes 58 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 5
Still image from: Too Many Tamales (Spanish)
12 minutes 58 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 5
Color illustration. Child wearing a space helmet, reaching into a sandbox full of colorful toys, yellow bicycle on its side nearby.
10 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 4
Color illustration. Person reaching for a metal trash can.
7 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 3
Painting with aerial view of hands touching a book with pictures of 3 houses, made of straw, wood, and brick. Caption. Everybody knows the story of the 3 Little Pigs.
10 minutes 13 seconds
Grade Level: K - 4
Still image from: The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! (Spanish)
9 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Pastel painting of a woman in a simple black dress with white lace collar drinking tea at a dining table. Caption. And two slices of cake.
7 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Image from The Ugly Duckling. Ducks charge towards a duckling. Caption. The poor duckling was chased by all of them.
19 minutes 56 seconds
Grade Level: K - 4
Pastel painting of a pilgrim family gathered around, and setting the Thanksgiving table with a whole turkey, bread rolls, and fruit. Caption. Shared on the very first Thanksgiving Day.
6 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 4
Color illustration of a green caterpillar standing on a rock and glancing upwards at an angle. Tall blades of grass in the background.
8 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 2
Color illustration of a green caterpillar standing on a rock and glancing upwards at an angle. Tall blades of grass in the background.
8 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 4
Illustration of a red, yellow, black and white butterfly. Caption: (music) Butterfly wings head for the sky
5 minutes 57 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3
Cartoon closeup of cream being poured into a cup of coffee resting on a white and red checkered table cloth.
16 minutes 52 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 4
Still image from: Water Is Water
8 minutes 15 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Color illustration. Black woman on hands and knees, eyes closed. A spiral behind her. Caption. I can make the wind play hide and seek.
8 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Girl carries a paper bag and looks down at her bare feet as she walks through a field towards a row of corn stalks. Title reads, "Watercress."
9 minutes 11 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Girl looks up proudly as she holds a feather while the wind blows through her hair. Outlines of people holding hands stand on hills in the background. Title reads, "We Are Water Protectors."
7 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Cartoon of a sparse desert landscape with a grouping of rocks and a cactus. A white Panama hat rests on the sand nearby.
9 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Color illustration. Mouse reaches into a chest labeled toys in a child's pink and yellow bedroom. Another mouse stands nearby next to a bundle of fabric on the floor.
10 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 4
Illustration of a monkey's tail wrapped around a branch. Caption: If you're a monkey, you hang from a tree by your tail.
7 minutes 32 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5