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Image for Weston Woods Studios

Weston Woods Studios

Weston Woods creates audiovisual adaptations that are faithful reflections of the books themselves, seeking the best books from all over the world and adapting them in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the original. By doing so, Weston Woods helps children discover the riches that are trapped between the covers of the books and motivate them to want to read for themselves.

Smiling girl with pigtails holds a hammer as she stands in the window ledge of a red playhouse labeled, in Spanish, "El Fuerte de Ruby." Text in Spanish reads, "El fuertecito rojo."
8 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Round treetops stretch across a forest of tree trunks beneath a starry sky. Text reads, "The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess."
14 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 4
Color illustration. Yellow duck running and quacking behind an older duck. Caption. And last of all, Little Joe.
8 minutes 55 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 3
Cartoon of a girl holding a soccer ball and hair dryer with toys scattered on floor. Caption. A president has to lead by example.
10 minutes 9 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 5
Color illustration. Tight rope stretched across the World Trade Center towers and a man walking across. Caption. A quarter of a mile up in the sky someone was dancing.
10 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: K - 5
Color illustration of Mary McScary with a mouse in her pocket and an orange cat with a frightened face peeking out from her side.
8 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Illustrated cartoon. Back of a young girl's head. She has short, shaggy hair and wears a black and white checkered shirt.
15 minutes
Grade Level: 4 - 7
Cartoon. Max, a white bunny in blue suspenders stands next to a tree. Caption. Then he popped out of his hiding place.
5 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 2
Max, a small white dog wearing a Santa hat and candy cane PJs crouches next to a lighted Christmas tree looking at a white dog Santa Claus filling stockings. Caption. Guess what, Max!
4 minutes 52 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 2
Cartoon. Ruby pulls Max upstairs by his green plaid suspenders. Spanish caption. Esta noche va a venir alguien muy importante.
6 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 2
Color illustration. Person wears a shirt, vest, and bolo necktie. He is sitting at a table, hands crossed in front, looking down with a peaceful expression. Caption. When Karl showed them around, everyone admired them, too.
10 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Illustration of a young girl tossing a chimpanzee into the air. Caption: Jane had a stuffed toy chimpanzee
8 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Book cover titled, "Mel Fell." Illustration of a part of a trunk with clusters of lime green leaves spread out on its branches.
7 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 2 - 5
Color illustration of a crane personified with eyes and holding a teddy bear in its fender. Silhouette of city skyline beneath radiant sun in background.
9 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Cartoon. 3 football players look in one direction with nervous expressions on their faces. Caption. The doors to Coach's office flew open.
13 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: K - 5
Cartoon. Blonde woman with wide eyes and a red pearl necklace. Caption. The tall and lumpy Miss Nelson didn't speak.
12 minutes 50 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Illustration of a girl looking over a wrought iron handrail out onto a cityscape. Caption: Once upon a time she was a little girl named Alice
16 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: K - 5
Color illustration of a duck, frog, and rabbit. They hold books and sit together atop an alligator swimming through the water.
7 minutes
Grade Level: Ps - 4
Color illustration of a king surrounded by a group of white hens. Caption. This is the biggest egg I have ever seen.
5 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3