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13 minutes 20 seconds

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Animation of a rover rolling across a red rocky surface against a red sky. In the center of the frame is a rainbow-colored circular shape. Caption. Here are some more facts about shapes.

Part of the "Dr. Rock's Math Adventures" series. Explores the basics of geometric shapes, such as circles and rectangles. Identifies shapes and explains how to combine them to form new shapes.

Media Details

Runtime: 13 minutes 20 seconds

Dr. Rock stands between brontosaurus and triceratops in a shop setting. Signs nearby read, menu, and Dr. Rock's Grand Opening. Caption. You want to buy all that with the money Dino has left.
Dr. Rock's Math Adventures
Episode 1
14 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Animation of a rover rolling across a red rocky surface against a red sky. In the center of the frame is a rainbow-colored circular shape. Caption. Here are some more facts about shapes.
Dr. Rock's Math Adventures
Episode 2
13 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: K - 2
Dr. Rock sits at a table with food laid out on plates in front of him. Caption. But then I remembered I had an extra half an apple.
Dr. Rock's Math Adventures
Episode 3
12 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3
Dr. Rock sits at a desk next to brontosaurus. In front of them are small white cubes with the number 10 written on 1 side. Caption. 8 tens and 7 ones is 87.
Dr. Rock's Math Adventures
Episode 4
14 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: K - 3

Viewer Comments

  • Tiny default profile photo
    Kimberly S. (Stanley, NC)
    September 6th, 2017 at 01:51 PM

    A great way to help a teacher explain shapes to a blind child. This is a fun educational video.