Monstrum: Gremlins
The video 'Monstrum: Gremlins' explores the intriguing origins and cultural evolution of gremlins, mischievous supernatural beings known for causing technological mishaps. Contrary to common belief, gremlins are a 20th-century invention with roots in the Royal Air Force (RAF) during World War I. They were used to personify mechanical failures in early military airplanes, embodying the technological anxieties of the time. The RAF lore expanded during WWII, with various gremlin types reported, each causing unique aviation issues. The video highlights Roald Dahl's contribution through his book 'The Gremlins,' which further popularized these creatures thanks to Walt Disney's interest in adapting it into film. The gremlins' cultural journey continued into pop culture with Richard Matheson's 'Nightmare at 20,000 Feet' and the 1984 film 'Gremlins.' The video emphasizes the role of gremlins as cultural symbols representing the unpredictability of modern technology.
Media Details
Runtime: 8 minutes 15 seconds
- Topic: History, Literature, Science
- Subtopic: Aeronautics, Folklore, Mystery and Horror - Literature, World War II
- Grade/Interest Level: 9 - 12
- Release Year: 2024
- Producer/Distributor: PBS Digital Studios
- Series: Monstrum
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