Families and school personnel (including those in training) who have at least one student with a disability can sign up for free membership.
Standards-aligned videos with high-quality captions and audio description.
Create lessons and assign videos to managed Student Accounts.
Educator and sign language training videos for school personnel and families.
Find resources for providing equal access in the classroom, making media accessible, and maximizing your use of DCMP's free services.
DCMP's Learning Center provides hundreds of articles on topics such as remote learning, transition, blindness, ASL, topic playlists, and topics for parents.
See All
DCMP offers the only guidelines developed for captioning and describing educational media, used worldwide.
Learn how to apply for membership, find and view accessible media, and use DCMP’s teaching tools.
DCMP offers several online courses, including many that offer RID and ACVREP credit. Courses for students are also available.
Asynchronous, online classes for professionals working with students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, low vision, or deaf-blind.
See QuickClasses
For interpreters, audio describers, parents, and educators working with students who are hard of hearing, low vision, and deaf-blind.
Modules are self-paced, online trainings designed for professionals, open to eLearners and full members.
These self-paced, online learning modules cover the topics of transition, note-taking, and learning about audio description.
DCMP can add captions, audio description, and sign language interpretation to your educational videos and E/I programming.
Captions are essential for viewers who are deaf and hard of hearing, and audio description makes visual content accessible for the blind and visually impaired.
DCMP can ensure that your content is always accessible and always available to children with disabilities through our secure streaming platforms.
DCMP partners with top creators and distributors of educational content. Take a look
The DCMP provides services designed to support and improve the academic achievement of students with disabilities. We partner with top educational and television content creators and distributors to make media accessible and available to these students.
Too Many Carrots
Turk and Runt
Uno Dos of Trace: What Is Time? Block Universe--Is Free Will an Illusion?
Uno Dos of Trace: What Is Time? Does Time Exist Outside Your Head?
Uno Dos of Trace: What Is Time? Time Is a Flat Circle
Uno Dos of Trace: What Is Time? Time Is Not Real
What & Why? Problem Behaviors: How Social-Emotional Learning Can Help
What & Why? Social-Emotional Learning: What Is SEL and Why SEL Matters?
What I Love About You (With Cat and Dog)
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What Killed the Whale?
What's Up? Books for a Better Earth With Holiday House, Dana Alison Levy & Roxie Munro
What's Up? With Caron Levis ("Feather Together")
What's Up? With Jan Carr ("Buddy and Bea" Series)
What's Up? With Kate Albus ("Nothing Else but Miracles")
What's Up? With Sean Ferrell ("The Sinister Secrets of Singe")
Why Should I Care? Invasive Species--Plants
Why Should I Care? Pollinators
Why Should I Care? Recycling
Xploration Awesome Planet: Microscience
Xploration DIY Sci: Kitchen Chemistry
Xploration Outer Space: A Satellite's Eye View
Xploration Outer Space: Engineering in Space
Your Reputation: Enhancing It, Repairing It