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3 media results found for 'family sign language and informational video series'

5 matches also found in The Learning Center

Woman faces camera using sign language, wrapping her index fingers around her thumbs and touching them together. Caption. Review them as a family, practicing your signs.
Family Sign Language
Episode 2
56 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

Designed to teach hearing families of deaf and hard of hearing children American Sign Language and deaf culture information. Each lesson has five parts: Language Information, Introduction of Signs, Sentence Practice, Cultural Information, and Teac...Read More

Woman faces camera using sign language. Video frame in the top right corner shows a traffic light with the red light illuminated. Caption. Stop.
Family Sign Language
Episode 3
57 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

Designed to teach hearing families of deaf and hard of hearing children American Sign Language and deaf culture information. Each lesson has five parts: Language Information, Introduction of Signs, Sentence Practice, Cultural Information, and Teac...Read More

Woman faces camera using sign language. Video frame in the top right corner shows a woman leaning down to touch a paper shopping bag a child is holding in her hands. Caption. It allows a child to grasp even abstract concepts.
Family Sign Language
Episode 1
57 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

Designed to teach hearing families of deaf and hard-of-hearing children American Sign Language and deaf culture information. Each lesson has five parts: Language Information, Introduction of Signs, Sentence Practice, Cultural Information, and Teac...Read More