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Search results for 'deaf blind'

2 Learning Center results found.

On the Need for Usable Videos for Deaf-blind Students and How It Can Be Met With Captioning and Description

The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) is a national non-profit that is federally funded to serve as a free-loan media library of accessible educational videos for K–12 students who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, or deaf-blind. DCMP recently conducted interviews in order to determine how accessible videos are used in the classroom with students who are deaf-blind and what other options need to be included in order for these videos to meet the widest need possible. about educators, deaf-blind

Learning Resources for Parents of Students With Disabilities

Each school year brings new challenges for parents and their children. Whether you're working on an IEP, juggling remote learning with classroom instruction, learning ASL, or building math and literacy skills, DCMP can make this time a little less stressful with our free resources. From about parents, blindness, deaf-blind, deaf, topic-playlist