270 media results found for 'asl'

The first in a set of three instructional videos that teach basic sign language through Spanish and English. Geared toward Latino parents of deaf children who use American Sign Language or Signed English and presented in a bilingual format. Introd...Read More

Billy Seago interviews the actors and producers who created the Bravo family. Interviews include individual backgrounds, experiences, philosophies, and future plans. Emphasizes Deaf people as a cultural group, the interaction and communication b...Read More

Instructor Billy Seago and the Bravo family go to the hospital and introduce medical signs. The Cultural Notes emphasize the legal rights of Deaf people in medical situations. The Grammatical Notes focus on facial expression in conveying informa...Read More

Two deaf performers, Antoinette Abbamonte and John Kinstler, teach the alphabet in three ways: written, spoken, and in American Sign Language. Includes two signed songs, a fingerspelled game, the signs for 88 words, and a fingerspelled (ABC) stor...Read More

Presents the following popular children's songs using American Sign Language: B-I-N-G-O; Earth, Earth, Earth; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; Home on the Range; Jingle Bells; One Little, Two Little.

Stephanie and Brianna's deaf cousin Andy has come to visit. They have fun, along with their friend Nikki, practicing their signing skills with Andy and learning about deaf culture. They are also learning the signs for family members, animals, frui...Read More

Stephanie and Brianna's deaf cousin Andy is coming to visit. The girls and their friend Nikki want to learn sign language so they can communicate with him. Luckily the girls' mom can teach them everyday signs before he gets there. They learn signs...Read More

An introduction to sign vocabulary that is specific to science. Many interpreters, teachers, and students are unfamiliar with specialized sign vocabulary because the concepts occur infrequently in daily communication. In this video a Deaf profes...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with teachers who are deaf. A middle/high school science teacher, Thomas T. Dunn, Sr., lectures about earth's delicate balance. Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstr...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with teachers who are deaf. Isaias Eaton is a high school teacher who is deaf. He signs several lessons to students. Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstrate how to ...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with children who are deaf. Lydia Snow is a twelve-year-old student who is deaf. In this segment, she signs "Camp Stories," "School Experiences," and "Goldilocks." Two certified interpreters provide separa...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with children who are deaf. Kuualoha Alameda is a thirteen-year-old student who is deaf. She signs "My School Experiences" and "Thumbs Up" movie review. Two certified interpreters provide separate model in...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with teachers who are deaf. A high school communication arts instructor, Jason Stewart, teaches a lesson to students on basic videography. Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations ...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with teachers who are deaf. A middle/high school history teacher, Marla Marks, teaches a lesson to students on the history of fashion design. Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretatio...Read More

How would you interpret English idioms using ASL? Would you make different choices if you were in a classroom and the Deaf child will see these idioms on a test? Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstrate how ...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with children who are deaf. Derek Scalercio, a ten-year-old student who is deaf, signs two original anecdotes, and two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstrate how to in...Read More

Gives sign-to-voice interpreting practice with children who are deaf. Brianna Watts Keogh, a seven-year-old child who is deaf, signs three original anecdotes and "The Three Little Pigs." Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpreta...Read More

Gives voice-to-sign interpreting practice with children who are hearing. Twelve-year-old Krisjana, who is hearing, gives a class report on ancient Greece. Two certified interpreters provide separate model interpretations to demonstrate how to inte...Read More

Gives voice-to-sign interpreting practice with teachers who are hearing. A fourth grade science teacher, Jeanne Cicchetto, orally presents a lesson on anatomy including the respiratory system, digestive system, and the heart. Two certified interpr...Read More