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1000 media results found for 'spanish'

18 matches also found in The Learning Center

Still image from: Algarabía TV: Secret Societies (Spanish)
Algarabía TV (Spanish)
Episode 11
25 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12

Are their certain groups, institutions, or societies that control what happens in the world? This episode is all about secret societies. Let's try to solve the mysteries that surround them. Part of the "Algarabía TV" series.

Still image from: Algarabía TV: Chemistry of Happiness (Spanish)
Algarabía TV (Spanish)
Episode 9
26 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12

What happens to the body when one falls in love? This episode explores the chemistry of happiness, love, and heartbreak. Part of the "Algarabía TV" series.

Still image from: Algarabía TV: Why Do We Never Talk About Darwin? (Spanish)
Algarabía TV (Spanish)
Episode 5
26 minutes 19 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12

Victoria García Jolly, María del Pilar Montes de Oca, and Fernando Montes de Oca chat about Charles Darwin. They address his travels, discoveries, and theory of evolution. Part of the "Algarabía TV" series.

Still image from: Zoocios: Instinct and Survival (Spanish)
Zoocios (Spanish)
Episode 7
27 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12

In the municipality of Melgar, Leonardo and his family are dedicated to recovering and saving the species of animals native to the Magdalena area. Many of the reptiles are on the verge of extinction. Part of the "Zoocios" series.

Still image from: Zoocios: Fish in the Water (Spanish)
Zoocios (Spanish)
Episode 6
26 minutes 20 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12

Edgar Cupitra has already lost much of the culture of his Pijao ethnic group, but he likes to live naturally and save fish every time the river's flow decreases. Part of the "Zoocios" series.

Still image from: Zoocios: Back to the Forest (Spanish)
Zoocios (Spanish)
Episode 5
27 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12

In the Rey Zamuro and Matarredonda Natural Reserve, there lives four churuco monkeys that were rehabilitated and reintroduced into the forest. Part of the "Zoocios" series.

Still image from: Zoocios: Waiting for a Home (Spanish)
Zoocios (Spanish)
Episode 4
27 minutes 12 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12

In this story, Lina shares how El Orfagato was born, a place that provides temporary shelter to homeless cats. She also shares how she provides a happy life for the cats and ensures their adoption in a responsible manner. Part of the "Zoocios" ser...Read More

Green and purple parrot puppet with large eyes and glasses balances on a fence. Spanish caption. Buenos dias.
27 minutes 4 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 1

Join Professor Parrot for an exciting adventure of making friends while learning more than 150 words and phrases in Spanish. The professor makes Spanish easy and fun with songs, dances, games, and puppets! Children learn to introduce themselves t...Read More

Still image from: Mossback's Northwest: The Shipwreck That Still Shares Its Bounty
Mossback's Northwest
Season 2 / Ep 2
3 minutes 37 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12

A Spanish galleon from Manila went down in a storm off the Oregon coast 327 years ago. It was carrying a cargo of beeswax for the Spanish colonies, and that beeswax is still being found on beaches today. Part of the "Mossback's Northwest" series.

Still image from: Crash Course U.S. History: The Black Legend, Native Americans, and Spaniards
Crash Course U.S. History
Episode 1
10 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12

This episode discusses the Native Americans who lived in the what is now the U.S. prior to European contact. It also highlights the first sustained European settlement in North America by the Spanish. The Spanish have a long history with the nativ...Read More

Piece of crumpled paper. Across the middle, text reads, "Geography as Destiny."
14 minutes 48 seconds
Grade Level: 9 - 12

In 1519, Hernán Cortés and his Spanish conquistadors broached the city of Tenochtitlan, taking down the mighty empire. Why did the Spanish have an advantage over the Aztecs? Dr. Thomas Sowell proposes that geography can shape the destiny of a cult...Read More

Man with a helmet rides a red mountain bike down a paved road amongst green trees. Caption. "Is situated on 1 of Georgia's barrier islands."
America's National Monuments: The Historic South
Episode 5
13 minutes 34 seconds
Grade Level: 7 - 12

Georgia's fate was decided in 1742 when Spanish and British forces clashed on St. Simon's Island. Fort Frederica's troops defeated the Spanish, ensuring Georgia's future as a British colony. Today, the archeological remnants of Frederica are prote...Read More

Still image from: The Double Root: Aurora Vera. Spanish. Tepetzintla, Veracruz. (Spanish)
The Double Root (Spanish)
Season 7 / Ep 10
27 minutes 14 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 12

Mardonio Carballo narrates the stories that are hidden in the kitchens of migrants who left their communities to enrich the gastronomy of Mexico City. In each episode, men and women from Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Guerrero and San Luis Potosí prep...Read More

Computer screen showing sound waves. Spanish captions.
Science And Technology (Spanish)
Episode 9
20 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12

Music is the art of combining sounds according to an artistic criterion and is a form of human expression. Musicians such as Richard Strauss and Arnold Schoenberg were interested in seeking new quality tone and sounds in the orchestra by adding ne...Read More

Person in scrubs handling medical equipment. Spanish captions.
Science And Technology (Spanish)
Episode 5
22 minutes 17 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12

So many technological developments have taken place this century that enable medical professionals to practice medicine at a distance. Thanks to information technologies it is no longer necessary to go to the doctor's office for a checkup or diagn...Read More

Person holding a shoe. Spanish captions.
Science And Technology (Spanish)
Episode 1
23 minutes 38 seconds
Grade Level: 6 - 12

Throughout history, Soccer has united all the numerous countries and communities in a single festivity. While soccer has a long history and tradition, the sport also embraces technology to keep it at the forefront of the sporting world.

Yellow insects with black markings on their back in the dirt. Spanish captions.
Science Video Vocab (Spanish)
Episode 101
4 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 4

Features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. Begins with a simple definition, and this helps clarify pronunciation and provides opportunities to transfer words from working to long-ter...Read More

Primate perched in a tree. Spanish captions.
Science Video Vocab (Spanish)
Episode 100
5 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 4

Features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. Begins with a simple definition, and this helps clarify pronunciation and provides opportunities to transfer words from working to long-ter...Read More

Sea anemone. Spanish captions.
Science Video Vocab (Spanish)
Episode 99
3 minutes 24 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 4

Features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. Begins with a simple definition, and this helps clarify pronunciation and provides opportunities to transfer words from working to long-ter...Read More

Closeup of a cluster of mushrooms. Fungi decomposer. Spanish captions.
Science Video Vocab (Spanish)
Episode 98
4 minutes 6 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 4

Features a wide variety of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated graphics and labels. Begins with a simple definition, and this helps clarify pronunciation and provides opportunities to transfer words from working to long-ter...Read More