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1000 media results found for 'spanish'

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An illustrated ladybug in flowers. Spanish captions.
Animapaka (Spanish)
Episode 1
12 minutes 56 seconds
Grade Level: 1 - 3

When Genoveva opens her magic book, the screen is filled with feathers, beaks, horns, legs, wings, and snouts. Genoveva's magic book transports her to various habitats where she learns about the animals that live there. In this episode, Genoveva, ...Read More

Boy looks at a an aquarium filled with sand, rocks, and plants. Spanish caption. Éste se llama Burger, los demás no tienen nombre.
Franja Metro (Spanish)
Episode 14
12 minutes 25 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8

This title offers segments on various subject matters. One segment explores the art of Arabic dancing while another explains how to milk cows. Students also learn the technique for playing badminton and are introduced to a book made for students w...Read More

Group of 4 teenagers seated around a table, some talking to each other, others writing on sheets of paper. Spanish caption. Y desde hace cuánto estás haciendo cómics?
Franja Metro (Spanish)
Episode 13
10 minutes 59 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8

How can we transform an illustration by working with animation? Charlie visits Alejandro Amaya, a comics expert who shows him how to work with drawing and animation. Duban and Juli act in a short scene, where she is trapped in a train track and he...Read More

Video screen shows a child smiling at the camera against a white wall. Spanish caption. Aparte de eso, disminuye la producción de hormonas.
Franja Metro (Spanish)
Episode 12
12 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8

Laughter has numerous health benefits, and this title introduces Daian, a young girl, who loves acting for children in hospitals. She is known as Porrita, a very special clown. Picarín is her partner and together they give happiness and hope to li...Read More

Man leans over to show a child how to hold a racquetball racket. Spanish caption. Esta raqueta es muy corta entonces debes cogerla bien.
Franja Metro (Spanish)
Episode 10
12 minutes 41 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8

Reporter Mariana Zamora explains the sport of Squash with the help of Laura Niño. They explain the rules and discuss the five types of balls used in the game. Also discussed is the evolution of the sport and the influence of the internet has on it...Read More

4 groups of 3 cheerleaders toss a fourth girl up into the air on a basketball court. Spanish caption. Narradora. Para llegar a hacer este tipo de acrobacias.
Franja Metro (Spanish)
Episode 6
12 minutes 54 seconds
Grade Level: 4 - 8

Being a cheerleader is not easy; it requires abilities in the areas of gymnastics, dancing and acrobatics. Angélica Sabogal goes to a school to observe the way in which these kids prepare for cheerleading competitions.

Monster with gap teeth and googly eyes raises hands in the air. Spanish caption. Y que tiene dientes afilados.
11 minutes 36 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Starts from the philosophical definition of the words "Subject" and "I" given by the professors of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia, Cristian Camilo Vélez and Camilo Morales. Their definitions are debated with those of re...Read More

Closeup on a chessboard with decorative chess pieces. Spanish caption. Voz masculina. En el campo del saber, en el ajedrez.
12 minutes 18 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Ludwig Wittgenstein is a philosopher whose legacy explains the terms like moral, knowledge and doubt. What things can we consider as true? How doubt leads us to know and support knowledge. Starting from the testimonies of students, teachers, artis...Read More

Young boy with a wide-eyed expression holds up a picture book. Spanish caption. Que les abra la posibilidad de interrelacionar con el mundo.
12 minutes 48 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

This word can be defined as a response to a question and also as a reaction to a stimulus. Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia Jairo Escobar Moncada summarizes what the philosophers like Aristóteles, Platón and ...Read More

Person squats from a standing position, holding a weight bar on their shoulders. Spanish caption. En el momento menos esperado.
12 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Santiago is a boy that thinks that power is being able to "lift a tree." Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia Pedro Juan considers power to be potency but must be understood as the capacity that a human being has...Read More

Senior woman wearing a beige nun's habit looks off to 1 side. Text reads, Olga Mesa Restrepo, Religiosa. Spanish caption. Para mi tambien es un don que se cultiva.
12 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Philosopher Jorge Santayana says "life is not made to be comprehended but to live it." Colombian singer, Carlos Vives, considers "life to be the biggest ambition of human beings," and Alejandra a student from the school Maria Rionegro says that "l...Read More

Man dressed in a monster costume, wearing metal armor and a green mask with pointed ears. Spanish caption. Sino como la maldad pues de la sociedad.
13 minutes 2 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

We can define ugly in a spiritual and material point of view. You can't only assume ugliness as an aesthetic adjective, but as anything that gets away from our value system and what is accepted and embraced by society. Classifying something as bea...Read More

Cartoon person standing and raising a hand in North America with a speech bubble that reads, in Spanish, Soy Universal. Spanish caption. Mujer as narrator. Si el escritor, el creador, puede lograr plasmar.
12 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Professor Andrés Castrillón defines universality as something general that covers all things. Regular people tell us what they think this word means and also pose the term as something that does not vary no matter the difference. Sandra Turbay pro...Read More

Woman seated at a desk looking towards a computer, screen showing wavy streams of red with purple oval shapes. Spanish caption. Que la humanidad ha construido, o sea que existe aparte.
12 minutes 40 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

John Henry, the investigator of the University of Edimburg, and Jorge Antonio Mejía, the professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia, talk about a transcendent and universal concept: science. We can look at science thr...Read More

3 side by side portrait illustrations of 2 young women and a man looking out in a headshot-style pose. Spanish caption. Toda esa gran cantidad de subjetividades.
13 minutes 1 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Starting from the meaning that Aristóteles, Platón, and other philosophers gave to the question--what? The professors of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia explain these words through the answers of regular people. In all k...Read More

Closeup of a woman's hands touching a newborn baby on a white blanket with a tube in its mouth. Spanish caption. Y las necesidades emocionales, entonces con las caricias.
12 minutes 49 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

What's necessity? Its origin and where it takes us. Professor of the Institute of Philosophy from the University of Antioquia Nicolás Naranjo, talks about the philosophical definition of this word. The comparison of the different definitions of t...Read More

Man in casual attire seated on a couch looks down towards a book he is holding in his hands. Spanish caption. Y saludando a cada uno de los presentes.
13 minutes 3 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Elkin Obregón, a writer who defines literature as a magical key that opens doors and windows. Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia Jairo Alarcón defines it as the human memory. It's the art of writing that has al...Read More

Black and white frame shows soldiers surrounding a few people seated on knees, hands raised in the air. Spanish caption. Yo era muy niño no había cumplido 15 años.
12 minutes 46 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

"The first victim of a war is truth," from this phrase of Hiram Johnson starts an episode dedicated to understand the meaning of this word. Professor of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia Cesar Orrego talks about this conce...Read More

Man wearing a soccer uniform on a field holds out an arm, a few people seated in bleachers in the background. Spanish caption. Entonces hay que mandarlos a jugar 22 años.
12 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

"Experience is not the things that happen to us, but what we do with what happens to us." This phrase from Aldous Huxley is the starting point to analyze and try to understand what this word means. We learn from the things that happen to us and wh...Read More

Computer rendering of an open laptop computer with green and white text on black background. Text reads, Ignorancia. Del latin ignorantia, falta de ciencia, de letras. Caption. Teclado as narrator. Tac-tac-tac.
13 minutes 10 seconds
Grade Level: 10 - 11

Ignorance is the lack of knowledge. Knowledge comes from the experiences that lead to the decision of what to do and what not. Professor Felipe Garcés Gómez of the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia talks about this topic that ...Read More