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270 media results found for 'asl'

12 matches also found in The Learning Center

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: I Dig Being Kind!
2 minutes 29 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

Excavator and the other trucks are back with some important lessons in kindness and manners. Let's learn some fun ways to be kind to one another. Based on the children's book by Michele Robbins.

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: 12 Little Elves Visit Washington
2 minutes 30 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

From the space needle to Mt. Rainier, these 12 little elves discover some of the most unique and interesting things about the state of Washington. They are on a journey to make sure all the children in Washington are sleeping soundly before Santa ...Read More

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: 12 Little Elves Visit Texas
3 minutes 7 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

From the panhandle to Brownsville to the capital to San Antonio’s Alamo, these 12 little elves discover some of the most unique and interesting things about Texas. They are on a journey to ensure that all the children in Texas are sleeping before ...Read More

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: The Gifts of the Animals--A Christmas Tale
3 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

The gentle beasts of sky and earth prepare their stable for Christ's birth. This tale shares the miraculous offerings the humble animals in the manger gave to baby Jesus. Based on the children's book by Carole Gerber.

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: 12 Little Elves Visit Oregon
2 minutes 22 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

It's Christmas Eve in Oregon, and 12 charming elves travel up and down the state to make sure all the children are sleeping. During their journey, they visit state landmarks and curiosities. Based on the children's book by Trish Madson.

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: 12 Little Elves Visit Montana
2 minutes 31 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

Twelve charming elves travel up and down the state of Montana to see who is still awake before Santa comes. Along the way, they visit state landmarks and curiosities, while decked in holly and holiday fun. Based on the children's book by Trish Mad...Read More

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: 12 Little Elves Visit Missouri
2 minutes 26 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

Twelve charming elves travel throughout Missouri to see who is still awake before Santa comes. Along the way, they visit iconic landmarks. From Kansas City Plaza to the Promised Land Zoo to Kister Park and more, these little elves take in the ligh...Read More

Still image from: Read Along With Me Picture Books: Snoozapalooza
6 minutes 45 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

Count to ten with these cuddly forest creatures as they settle down and hibernate for the winter. Friends of all sizes snuggle together in one furry heap to endure the snowy season. Based on the children's book by Kimberlee Gard.

Still image from: Blue's Clues and You: Blue's Storytime With Camila
Blue's Clues and You
Season 3 / Ep 14
22 minutes 39 seconds
Grade Level: Ps - 3

Camilia the librarian wants to tell a story using ASL. Let's dive deeper into American Sign Language and the deaf community. Part of the "Blue's Clues and You" series.

Young woman looks just off camera and uses sign language. Spanish caption. Tu juegas el fútbol Americano.
Family Sign Language
Episode 6
57 minutes 27 seconds
Grade Level: PT/TT

An instructional guide offering parents of children who are deaf an array of ideas and practical advice on teaching their children sign language. The three-video series consists of ten lessons containing vocabulary, educational and cultural inform...Read More