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Students learn quickly with the Beginning ASL VideoCourse. The lessons teach vocabulary, grammar and Deaf culture applied to real-world dramas. The series features famed ASL instructor Billy Seago and the fun Bravo family. This functional approac...Read More
Billy Seago introduces and explains school-related signs as Anna dreams she is a teacher. The Grammatical Notes discusses how directional verbs give additional information. The Cultural Notes reflects on the complex issues surrounding deaf educa...Read More
At the office, Billy Seago and the Bravo family introduce signs related to work. Includes review and practice sessions. The Cultural Notes offer information about technologies which open work opportunities for the deaf. The Grammatical Notes ex...Read More
Billy Seago, Mr. Bravo, and Scott introduce money and banking signs as they make a deposit. The Cultural Notes focus on improved employment opportunities for the deaf due to TTY and interpreter availability. The Grammatical Notes show the signi...Read More
Billy Seago and the Bravo family go grocery shopping and introduce food signs. The Cultural Notes explore deaf folklore and storytelling, specifically number stories. The Grammatical Notes explain the topic comment rule. Includes review, practi...Read More
Instructor Billy Seago and the Bravo family introduce themselves and the signs for a typical morning routine. The Cultural Notes show how to get a deaf person's attention. The Grammatical Notes address how to ask questions. Teaches vocabulary i...Read More
Billy Seago and the Bravo family introduce breakfast and dining signs. The Cultural Notes explore how considering the deaf as a handicapped group changes perspective, interaction, and attitude. The Grammatical Notes explains how ASL uses adjecti...Read More
Billy Seago and the Bravo family introduce household signs as they search for the TV remote control. The Cultural Notes explain how deaf people's homes are usually oriented, including information about flashing lights, TTYs, closed captions, and ...Read More
Billy Seago and Anna introduce and explain school vocabulary while she dreams she is a teacher. The Cultural Notes discuss positive and negative aspects of schools for the Deaf. The Grammatical Notes address the importance of conceptual accuracy...Read More
Reviews vocabulary, ASL practice sentences, and dialogue from Lessons 1-4. Instructor Billy Seago reviews and signs ASL questions about Deaf culture and grammar, and gives answers. Concludes with a story. Partially captioned and narrated. #5 o...Read More
Billy Seago and the Bravo family introduce color signs and the manual alphabet. The Cultural Notes stress the importance of accessible communication when in the presence of signers and non-signers. The Grammatical Notes discuss the four paramete...Read More
Billy Seago and the Bravo family visit a park and introduce nature and sport signs. The Grammatical Notes discuss how signs use space to describe an actual event. The Cultural Notes give practical suggestions for medical personnel to use during ...Read More
Billy Seago and the Bravo family go shopping and introduce new signs. The Cultural Notes focus on hearing parents of a deaf child and the communication choices they face. The Grammatical Notes emphasize classifiers and their importance. Include...Read More
Billy Seago interviews the actors and producers who created the Bravo family. Interviews include individual backgrounds, experiences, philosophies, and future plans. Emphasizes Deaf people as a cultural group, the interaction and communication b...Read More
Instructor Billy Seago and the Bravo family go to the hospital and introduce medical signs. The Cultural Notes emphasize the legal rights of Deaf people in medical situations. The Grammatical Notes focus on facial expression in conveying informa...Read More
Reviews vocabulary, ASL practice sentences, and dialogue from Lessons 11-14. Instructor Billy Seago reviews and signs ASL questions about Deaf culture and grammar, and gives answers. Concludes with a story. Partially captioned and narrated. #1...Read More
Reviews vocabulary, ASL practice sentences, and dialogue from Lessons 6-9. Instructor Billy Seago reviews and signs ASL questions about Deaf culture and grammar, and gives answers. Concludes with a story. Partially captioned and narrated. #10 ...Read More